Monday, November 3, 2008

An initial post...


welcome to my blog - English blog, actually...

actually i already have a blog on but unfortunately, it's in Bahasa Indonesia.. which is somewhat French to many...

so why an English blog?
well, i figured since my friends consists more than just Indonesian, maybe its a lil more courteous to share my thoughts with the English-speaking community (whoever u are)... the plan is to keep this English blog as a parallel to my Indonesian blog... yeah, that means writin twice for me (oh gosh)... jus for the info, i think im gonna use italics for things that my mind says (somethin like that...)

but since i already think in English, maybe writin this one'd be somewhat a lil more fun... (when writin posts in the other blog, i actually gotta translate my own thoughts into my mother tongue - that sounds weird..but forget it..)

well, to cut the story short, here's my life... and the thoughts that fill my days...

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